Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring is Springing!

Spring is springing! I would say that it has sprung, but I'm not quite sure that winter won't sneak back up on us and zing us one last time. I will say, however, that despite today's gray skies, the past few days have been delightful. The temps have been hanging out around the 40's and we hear a constant drip, drip, drip. Delightful. We still have not managed to escape the frozen well pump though. It's a mystery to all...hopefully we'll be rid of that nuisance soon.Buddie has taken up residence at the Squirrel Buffet that Brent brought to our backyard. I have had no current incidences of chasing little Buddie from the porch, and while it's for the best, I miss the little percocious little girl. I would snap a pic of Willie's buffet, but I'll save you all that disgusting photo. The little varmint kept me up for most of the night with the runs. I was not happy about 2:30 a.m. and I was flabbergasted as to what he may have gotten into.

This evening when Brent and I took him out to play the little scamp ran from pile of poo to pile of poo devouring his weight in feces. UGH. Seriously, I do not have a weak stomach, but I about lost it. So, now I don't know what I'm going to do to keep him out of the poo piles. We live on a farm for pete's sake! Poo is everywhere. Everywhere.

As you can tell by the pics he's growing like a weed. He's getting big and it's fun to watch him mimic Ches and her ways. Here they are searching out the next big thing in spring time mining. I just hope it's not more poop. Good gravy! What have I gotten myself into?

And here's that cute little baby face. Awwww. Today I scolded him for something, I cannot recall his every transgression, there are a lot of them, so I shooed him. He rebels by jumping up on the spare bedroom door and busting in. Apparently I didn't hear him whine to get out, so he pulled my jacket off the rack behind the door and decided to take a nap.
So, my day is coming to an end. I need to pack a ham sandwich for Brent's lunch tomorrow. He has a big day and has to be to work by 4:30 a.m. Since I am not in the business of getting up at 3:30 I'm packing it tonight, and then hitting the hay for a much needed siesta.
Hope you are warm in your world!
Happy (almost) Spring from Alaska!

1 comment:

Susan Stevenson said...

I can't wait for the official arrival of green-up. I could have sworn we saw a tinge of green in the hills on our trip to Denali. Must be wishful thinking though... it's still too early. When it happens, it happens overnight. You're going to love it!