Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Duck, Duck, Moose!

Friday morning Ches and I took a walk on the road just outside our home. We got a little too close, for my comfort, to a bull moose. He crossed the road about 1/4 mile in front of us, and despite talking loud, letting him know that I was there, he managed to scare the bejesus out of of both Ches and I as we passed. He wasn't aggressive in any way, but being that close to something that large, on foot, is not a situation I enjoy. I can no longer complain about the lack of moose!

We ended last week with some cloudy, rainy weather. We definitely needed the moisture, so I dare say that no one was complaining. Friday evening I stepped out onto the porch about midnight and captured the beautiful sky. It was a great end to a rainy, gray day.

Saturday we decided to go out and try a little canoeing. As you can see, Brent ended up in the canoe alone. We attempted the first time with the three of us, but Ches nearly dumped us about 10 feet from shore. After returning her to the car we got in and tried again, but I didn't like it at all. Eventually Brent went out on his own. He enjoyed it, but I think we'll try a different canoe next time. This is not the style for us.

While Brent was out in the canoe and Ches was swimming and fishing along the shoreline, I took the opportunity to capture the vivid colors of the terrain. It's pretty spectacular, and it's beautiful nearly every where we go.
After aborting our canoe plans we headed out near Donnelly Dome to drop a line, or two in the water. Apparently the rain brings out ducks, water fowl and MOOSE. I think we saw 8 total on our drive. They were everywhere. Munching on whatever the could find.

Here we stumbled upon 4 moose. Unfortunately we only managed to get 3 on film. We followed the farthest one back for about a mile as s/he dodged through the underbrush and finally darted across the road in front of us. I think s/he was camera shy. :)

This guy was just as curious of us as we were of him. They are losing their winter coats so they look a little rough right now.

As we pulled into J Lake we caught a glimpse of this guys rear end. Brent decided it would be a great idea to follow him down onto the bank of the lake and around the corner. Luckily he was calm and agreed to pose for his picture. After Friday's incident, I'm steering clear.

This nice bull crossed the road in front of us right outside of Delta. He was happy to stop and pose, despite nearly causing an accident! He just went on his merry way, munching on the fresh green grass and trees.

In closing, I just had to post a pic of my new car. I'm ready to start work this morning, Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to it. I will let you know how my first day goes! Have a happy, happy day!


Chantelle said...

Did I miss the post where you got a job?? Big congratulations to you! :)
The pictures are beautiful, I love the midnight sunset pictures. I for one am up to my ears in sunlight and heat- it's been over 100 here for several days now!

Stay safe from the moose. I guess your quest to see them has kind of turned into my quest for the gator! ;)

Karla said...

Chantelle- I accepted a job on Friday, started today. I'm working part time for a local real estate company. Love it. Love being out with HUMANS!! FIND THE GATOR!! :) TTYS. kk

Susan Stevenson said...

Congrats on the job, Karla! I'm excited for you. :) I love that you saw so many moose. I saw one briefly the other day as she ran through my side yard into the woods. I do love the moose, but from a distance!