Monday, November 8, 2010

Back and Getting on Track

Sunrise 8:57 a.m.      Sunset 3:56 p.m.
It's 8:28 a.m. when I'm beginning this blog post.  Which means, technically, that the sun isn't up.  There's light in the sky, but I fear it's going to be another gray day.  There gets to be a lot of them this time of year.  It is November, after all, and this is the time of year that we lose light, at lightening speed.  So I sit by lamp light and write.  I would like to say that I miss the midnight sun, but that has it's place, and it's nice to have a little dark back in my life.  Soon the sun will come back, and life will even out, once again.  My main goal for this time of year is keeping the electric bill down.  Easier said than done. 

We've been home for nearly a week.  And I will admit the jet lag was a little bit hard on me.  We had a wonderful trip to Minnesota.  We had nice weather, despite a few days of rain and wind, and I have nothing to complain about.  We visited with family and friends, met new members of the family, and drove by old haunts, or houses if you will.  Everything looks the same, feels the same, and yet, I have changed.  All those things that were once so important, didn't matter so much, and at one point (much earlier in the trip than I imagined) I was wishing for home and my stuff and my furkids.

I had a hard time sleeping once we were at the in-laws.  Seems the train is closer than I remember.  And there's street noise, something I'm certainly not accustomed to, and LIGHTS. :)  All minor, but odd to adjust to when you are used to the peace, quiet, and dark.

The visit was too short.  We certainly didn't get to see everyone we would have liked to.  We did, however, take the time to go see Brent's grandparents (graves) in South Dakota.  I wish the weather would have been nicer so we could have spent a little more time, but it was comforting to be there.

We celebrated the holidays, complete with gifts, visited, laughed, shopped, celebrated Halloween, hugged chased, golfed, shopped, hunted, trapped, stayed out late, it was a great visit.  And I'm so happy to be home.

Thanks to our wonderful, competent house sitter we came home to a clean house, cleaner than when I left, freshly laundered sheets, and happy dogs.  A good house sitter is an absolute necessity when traveling from Alaska this time of year.  He kept the home fires burning, literally and figuratively.  We are happy and thankful.

So far life back home is good.  The days are shorter, we've gotten a little more snow, but the temps have been up and nice.  No reason for complaint.  Hopefully our good luck will last.  I never want to see -63 degrees again!  Do you hear me!?!  lol.

Thank you to all of you who made the time to see us.  It was great to see you all, meet the new little ones that have joined the family since the last time we were there, and catch up with everyone's lives.  

Happy Winter! 


BlessedMamaofMany said...

So glad you had a wonderful time with family and friends. I am sure that is something we will miss the most when we move up North!

Hayley said...

Temps are up???? I am going to come to that office and get you!! I rode a 4 wheeler today and I thought my skin was literally peeling off my face.

Karla said...

Oh Hayley,
It's gonna get a lot worse! :) lol. I've rode at -20. You need lots of layers, and a face mask. Happy winter!

Susan Stevenson said...

Welcome home! You were missed!

Glad you had such a good time. :)