Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whose Idea Was This?

I'm going to vent.  In fairness, I rarely do so (on here) so you're just going to have to deal.  Last year got cold.  And it got cold a lot earlier.  But for some reason, this cold snap, we dropped approximately 40 degrees in 12 hours, has me not loving Alaska so much.  Good gravy, Mavis.  Now to be fair, it's technically warming up out there, and we only saw about -36.  Which, in reality, is cold, but not as cold as it can get here.  I remember January 9, 2009 all too well.  Anyway, it's been cold.  Did I mention that already?

In reality, the roads stink because the temps were too warm and we got rain.  Now that we're seeing the below zero temps they are marginally better, but will take some time to become normal.  The cold has also brought the sun along with it.  And I LOVE that.  I almost has one convinced that you won't need long underwear, wool socks, a heavy jacket, gloves (I wore 2 pair), a scarf to breathe through, a hat, and whatever else you deem necessary to function.

My biggest challenge is plugging, unplugging, plugging the car in.  We had plug-ins in Northern Minnesota, but I don't remember ever using it.  Let alone carrying around not one, but two extension cords.  All. The. Time.  My saving grace is that it's normal here.  Everyone gets out, plugs it in, comes out, unplugs it, drives it home.  Weird stuff.  And if you're the idiot that forgets (hypothetically, of course) to unplug the cord, or the car, and you're driving down the road with the cord dragging behind you.  Yep, you're the idiot.  Luckily I haven't done that.  Yet.  This year.

I did get a nice lecture reminder from my hubby that failing to unplug the car one more time will result in some major repair work to the outdoor outlet.  You know, since someone obviously forgot a time, or two, last year.

Today had me at my knees.  It took me 45 minutes to put all my layers on, which cause me to sweat because the wood stove is cranked, then go outside and freeze to the car that's been running for 35 minutes and still isn't technically, warm.  Luckily it warms up quicker when I drive.  Phew.  I pulled into the office parking lot, unloaded myself, discovering that I'd rode all the way to work with my coat stuck in the door.  Swell.  Rolled out, because with that many layers you have to, and attempted to plug my car in.  The plug was bent, I was wearing gloves (two pair) and I was cold.  Growing increasingly frustrated by the moment, the tears came, just as the plug miraculously slipped into it's mate.  Success.  Damn tears.

On a positive note, this cold snap has not changed my love for this town, this state.  There are good days, and bad days, today just happened to be one that tested my patience and resolve.   The above photo- sorry about the quality- is the view from my window at work.  The sun tipped the trees just before it set yesterday afternoon.  It was quite lovely.

Happy Winter!


Dawn said...

Sorry for the bad start to your day Karla! Thank goodness the sun came out - that always helps! I think you've done pretty darn good up there! I don't think I could live in the Last Frontier, even though I too grew up in northern MN! The older I get the more I dislike winter. I enjoy reading your blog - Keep warm!!

Hayley said...

I am with you on ALL of this Karla. You know what I love? Tripping over Chuck's blue cord on the way to my truck. Or trying to wrestle the cord into the truck after it has been extended all night. It will barely bend, let alone roll up into a neat circle. Good times.

Tracy said...

O.k. You just convinced me to wait until my little boys are old enough to get multi layers on themselves. ROFL I would go nuts having to dress 3 of us over and over to go in and out all day. :-P Here we're lucky if we need a coat let alone anything else. lol

Karla said...

Dawn- there are so many wonderful things to living up here. I didn't think I could do it either. While it has it challenges, I dare say it's worth the effort. Most of the time.

Hayley- Ugh. The worst. Trying to wrestle those darn cords! Boo.

Tracy- LOL. It's a challenge. I can't imagine trying to bundle the little ones up in this. :)

Art Haunts Me said...
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Art Haunts Me said...

It's freakin' cold, I tell ya!
Love from Chugiak.
You're way tougher than us. We complain if it is Zero. Wimps, huh?