Sunday, November 16, 2008

Busy little beavers...

Well, we've had a good weekend. Busy, but very good. We've been trying to take advantage of the bits of sunshine we have left here, and enjoy Minnesota before we go.

Yesterday morning we managed to load up and haul our weight equipment to storage. I was so dreading this as I figured it would take forever. However, Brent did such a great job tearing it down and making it manageable that it was really easy. The heaviest part was loading the individual free weights, but we got it all done and stored before 11 a.m. When we got home I started on laundry from our weekend away and did some ironing and such. And just plugged away at cleaning out.

When we started the purge I was excited. Then we both went through a period of "mourning", but despite the fact that it's just stuff, it's our stuff. Now, I'm resigned that it's necessary, and though I may not like leaving all of my stuff behind, it really is for the best. I'm come back to some, other stuff will find new homes, and in the end, I'll have the most important things with me.

Later we made a trip to Walmart. I just don't like the Walmart here very much, they're ALWAYS packed. Packed. But we decided to take our chances and go. When we got there Brent decided that divide and conquer would be our best plan of attack. So, we each carted up and were off to the races. Brent managed to put together all the makings of a winter emergency kit. And I picked up mostly necessities. Then we raced home to get warm and finally relax.

Today was more sorting, organizing and packing. We got the last of the "heavy" stuff moved and now we're home free. Just a few totes and deciding what to sell, what to take. It's nice to have a little time to just plug away at it leisurely. We still have packing to do, but it's down considerably. I'm pleased. He's pleased. And now hopefully the stress level will begin to lower. Though I doubt it. We're still homeless in 6 weeks. YIKES.

To celebrate this great achievement I'm roasting a chicken for dinner. I'm going to make some of Dad's fresh, home-raised potatoes and carrots and we'll be feasting like King's. Did you get a lot accomplished this weekend?

Happy Day!

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