Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fueling up

In preparation for our journey we purchased a new video camera. Can't have a video diary without a fancy pants camera to capture it all. So we bit the bullet and bought ourselves a snazzy little handy cam. So far so good, we practiced with it in Grygla this weekend and managed to capture some priceless deer tales.

Today it's 17 degrees in Delta. It was 33 here and I thought I was going to freeze to death. My only solace is that I'll be able to work from home, wrapped in down from head to toe, and not have to go out in it every day.

Brent is a fiend for information. I think he craves it, much like a body craves water for survival. Today he came upon the information that 1000 accidents per winter happen between Delta and Fairbanks. There is a spot near North Pole that claims over 700 of those accidents. This is scary. I don't like ice. Snow I can handle, by the bucket loads, but ice. I freeze. Pun intended.

We're still searching for a home. There were some new listings on the Delta News Web today so I will call tomorrow to find out more information. It's still a bit early. I don't want to have to put out anymore money than necessary, but we've heard that finding a place for Ches may be difficult. Time will tell.

Other than that, nothing new. I'm sitting here in my short sleeves trying to thicken up my skin. I don't think it's working, and I'm going to jump under my electric blanket. Audrae, if I haven't said....THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ELECTRIC BLANKET!!! lol.

Happy Day!

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