Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, nothing really wonderful happened in the land of the movers today.

We did get a line on a home sweet home. Newer duplex built in 2006. She emailed in connection with the ad that I placed, so I'm hoping that something comes from it. It's actually an ad that I had called on previously, and was under the impression that the property had been rented. At the time I spoke with the husband, it was the wife that contacted me. So, time will tell.

Woobs seems to be settling at the "Other Kings". :) So, I'm feeling infinitely better about that. I'm sure it will take a little time for me to stop missing her. But I will, in time. And let's face it, now she has 6 hands to pet and love her. Thank you!

Well, it's been a long week already. I've gotta get moving on my letter of resignation. I'm not looking forward to that. I am, but I'm not. I know that doesn't make any sense. I'm looking forward to having everything out there, and I'm not going to miss the job much, but they're great people. And I feel like I'm letting everyone down these days. I'll get over it.

Happy day!

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