Sunday, November 23, 2008

Change is hard

I don't know who first said it, but boy oh boy, was he/she right. This has been a rough weekend. Really rough.

So, as some of you know, our cat, Woobie, found us last winter. It's not like we went looking for her, she found us. She was starving and homeless, and had run away or been dumped. Dumping of cats happens a lot up here. She was declawed, and defenseless. She was skin and bones when she showed up at our door. Despite many attempts to find a home, we always found a reason to keep her. Inevitably, we fell in love.

I'm not a cat person. I'm just not. But Woobie changed my mind, and my heart. She's cuddly, and loveable, and so sweet. What a personality she has! She's my Woobs. But she's not mine, anymore.

Saturday morning we started for Bryan (Brent's brother) & Tara's house with Woobs and Ches. We thought we were going for a trial run. Thought. We got about a mile out of town when we realized that not only could we not do that to ourselves, it just wouldn't be fair to do it to Woobs. We knew that she wouldn't be coming home with us again.

I know that she'll be happy. She'll have a safe, warm, loving home. But somewhere in the last 11 months I became a cat person, and she became my baby. She loved to be snuggled and cuddled like an infant, and I was happy to oblige.

She'll be happy, and I'll miss her, and I'll be happy for that...eventually.

This moving crap is hard. Who's idea was this anyway?

Now, if you've skipped over the cat part (Dad) you will be excited to know that our passports are here!!! Woot! We're official, we can drive though Canada! Brent's trying to figure out how to legally get his guns/handgun to Canada. The way we understand it is that the rifle and shotgun can go with us. The handgun may not make it. We'll see.

Dad was concerned that we didn't have our ducks in a row with Ches. I know that he is excited to keep her should it be that she can't get into Canada, but Dad you just can't have her!! She's mine! I know you would like to share your home and bed with her, but I'm keeping her!! lol. We'll double check all the rules, but we're on the ball.

Anyway, I'm wiped out. Hopefully there will be more happy news tomorrow.

'Til then,

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