This is a photo of the mountains on Sunday a.m. on the way to Fairbanks. They were beautiful and I wish I could capture all the color that creeps up. The sky is always full of pinks and blues in varying shades. Breathtaking.

I didn't quite get these in chronological order. This is a photo of the bridge over the Tanana (like Banana with a T) River on the way back to Delta Junction from Fairbanks. With the mountains in the background, I thought it made a beautiful picture.

This the Alaska Pipeline that runs along the Richardson Highway near Delta Junction. This was taken on the way to Fairbanks before we crossed the Tanana River.

This is the Tanana River in the evening. It is HUGE, and I'm really looking forward to watching it change in the summer. It is unbelievable how far it reaches. Truly beautiful.

This guy is my favorite. He greets you and waves as you travel through North Pole, Alaska. He's so huge, that I had to zoom way out to get him in the picture. I can't wait to visit his village on one of our next trips.

This is my buddy the squirrel. He caused such a ruckus yesterday that I had to get a picture of him on my blog. He made so much noise that I swore it was an animal at least twice his size out there. I hope he comes around more often. Although I'm a little afraid he might get shot, the neighbors aren't as fond of him as I am.
I forgot to tell you that Monday while Brent and I were hanging out getting the house in order we heard something hit the house. It hit so hard that it shook a picture frame off my window ledge. I thought for sure one of the trees had come down.
Brent snuck outside to see what it was and there was a pair a grouse along the side of the house. They spooked so we didn't get a photo of them, but they were absolutely gorgeous. Hopefully we'll be able to catch a photo of the pair soon. They seem to like to hang out here.
Have a happy day!
1 comment:
LOVE the pictures! We certainly don't see scenery like that around here.
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