Friday, April 10, 2009


It has been beautiful here in the land of the (upcoming) Midnight Sun! It has bobbled around the 40 degree mark for nearly a whole week, and we are losing snow like crazy! This of course makes the parking lots super slickery with the added melt, but it's worth it. I should really dig out Brent's extra pair of Yak Trax for walking the Poop Troop. But I don't know where they are, and frankly the effort doesn't seem necessary.

We have been taking the kids out back and running them senseless in an effort to get a full night's sleep. This worked on Wednesday night, but not last night. I am convinced that Willie must have been too excited about his gross (and disgusting) find in the woods. He was thrilled so we let him drag it around. In his defense it is just a grouping of feathers, but I still can't make myself look at it. He, is awfully proud, as you can tell here.

My friend Susan told me that she had heard that there were geese in our area, and that it was the first sign of Spring. Since this is my first Alaskan spring, I will take her good information. And this morning, guess what I saw? As I stepped out to let the kids out, we all stopped at the tell tale calls of the geese. Ches got super excited and took off bounding across the hay field, I think she thought I was going to shoot one, and Willie was flabbergasted, but the sight was great!

Today I had my friend Mary Lou over for lunch. I made some soup, salad and sandwiches. It was simple but good, and the company was excellent. While I was preparing for her visit I decided to run the vacuum quick. I normally vacuum while Brent takes the kids out to play, but since I was alone I had to vacuum while they were inside. Ches cowered on the couch hoping that I wouldn't suck her up, and Willie hid under the bed. When it came time to vacuum the bedroom I ran up the first side and heard him scrambling to the other side, pretty soon his little ebony head popped up and he whimpered. I turned the machine off, lifted him onto the bed, and started on my way. The poor little thing was huddled between the pillows shaking like a leaf during a hurricane. Poor baby. So of course I had to cuddle him a little bit, and then he bit my nose. Ingrate!

After dinner this evening Brent, Ches and I took a drive down Main Street U.S.A. to check out the scenery. Willie stayed home as he isn't a huge fan of riding in cars, so we left him home. When we returned we played and played and tried to avoid his piranha-like teeth. Eventually he pooped out and found a nice, comfy spot on Brent's lap to snuggle.
Happy Spring from the Kings!


Susan Stevenson said...

The geese in your area were sighted at Clearwater Lake - off of Jack Warren Rd just north of Delta. Have you been out there? It's a very pretty area. There's a small campground/boat launch there, and the water is so clear (hence the name) that you can see the salmon swimming by. It's gorgeous! My husband goes fishing for silvers in October there (but the fish are nasty by then). There are grayling too - all year round.

Karla said...

Yes, we visit frequently. We live out in that area. I have quite a few photos out there already! Enjoy your day!!