Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

Welcome to our winter wonderland!  It's Sunday, and we've had the most beautiful day.  Big, fat, fluffy flakes have been floating down to the tundra all day long.  It is possibly the slowest, most idyllic sight I've seen.  And since I have no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Today has been a very uneventful, but particularly wonderful day.  I woke to an eerily quiet house, as Brent had planned to go hunting with a friend of his.  I knew that he wouldn't be home, but Chessa was gone as well.  So it was me, alone, with the day to waste away.

The week behind us was a busy one.  We enjoyed our Thanksgiving day, just the three of us.  We slept late, played in the snow, and just enjoyed a day of rest.  I baked a coffee cake for breakfast, and then braised some grouse, which Brent provided for our Thanksgiving feast.  I cooked up some wild rice from home, similar to the rice dish that Grandma Adeline cooked every year.  We completed the meal with yams, green bean casserole, fresh baked rolls, and I even whipped up a pecan pie.  Needless to say, we didn't eat pie until  Friday.  We were too stuffed!

In the afternoon we hiked to the woods to cut our first Alaskan Christmas tree.  We haven't had a real tree in the house since our first year of marriage.  I believe we managed to ruin two vaccuums that year.  Apparently I thought "evergreen" extended into life after cutting, and there was no need for watering.  Or very little anyway.  Ahh.  Yes.  Lessons learned, indeed.

Well, this time around I was smarter about it.  But alas, we were both scared awake at 3 a.m. Friday morning to the sound of a crashing tree.  Needless to say, at that time of night, it wound up in the yard.  It has yet to come back in.  We'll see what happens next.  I'm guessing a much smaller, less messy tree.  Perhaps we'll go back to artificial (gasp!). 

So, we worked on Friday.  Came home to relax, then Brent had yesterday off with the Ches monster, while I plugged away at work.  Poor Chessa had a rough day.  She was attacked by a raven, good thing Brent was there to rescue her.  It got a hold of her when she tackled it, and had her lip in it's beak, poised with talons raised.  Brent helped him release her and gave it a little loft.  Hasta La Vista raven.

After a nice, relaxing day I'm planning to make dinner and then find my way back to the fresh Tide smelling sheets that have been calling my name all day!

Happy Day!!!

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

Poor Chessa! :(

We got a real tree this year...I'm still very skeptical. Ugh.