Monday, December 22, 2008

I think I'll bury my head in a snow bank

By normal standards, today stunk. Truly, honestly just stunk. But "this too shall pass". So we charge forward. Ready to tackle whatever is thrown at us next. For about 30 minutes today I had a strong urge to just stick my head in the snow bank like this guy. I think he might have had the right idea. Put it in and wait for whatever comes next. The backside is the side those wishing to harm you are looking for anyway.
Let me be clear. No "one" hurt me. But sometimes I think God has a lot of fun seeing what obstacles he can put in our way. Watching us jump, sprawl, crawl or just sit down and bawl. Today, I almost sat down and bawled, but I didn't. I'm fortunate, I have a very snarky hubby. He called me to tell me that he forgot about a little money he had put away. He informed me that it's 62 million and it's sitting safely in his wallet. I could use a little windfall, and I certainly don't need 62 mil. I wouldn't turn it down though.
Brent lost his wedding ring somewhere in the hoopla. Seeing that he has no time to buy boots, that also means he has no time to buy a new ring. That lucky bastard is single again. Why didn't I think of that? Sheesh.
In all seriousness things will go. I'm sure we'll have a few more challenges along the way, but I'm expecting them to all be minor now. Goodness, let's hope so.
Only 2 days to go until Christmas. I scheduled myself a wonderful gift. A full hour massage. Why not? Life's short.
Tomorrow is a new day, and incidentally it begins in 14 minutes. It will be better.

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