Well, we've been busy little beavers around here. After laying low on Friday night we decided to brave the roads and winds and head to Fairbanks to see if I could find a table to rehab. Needless to say that the thrift stores were bust, and much to my dismay it looked like we would be heading home without a table/desk. Much to our delight we snagged a stellar deal on a table and chairs at Fred Meyer. We will have to paint/or something the top of the table, but it's good and solid. So, I'm happy. We also managed to snag some other good deals, but I have officially given up on thrift stores, and will be holding out for garage sale/auction sales.

These are a couple of photos that I snapped of Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks as we were passing by. I thought it might be interesting for some of you to see.

We managed to nearly make it home before dark on Saturday evening. But I did snap a picture of this glorious moon. It did a great job of lighting the way home, and helping us make sure that we didn't end up with a freezer full of moose meat by accident.

Friday night we ended up with about 6 inches of snow. I thought this shot of the roof was neat, and I'm hoping that it provides good insulation and keeps the heating bill down. Although the heat bill is the last of my worries! Ha! Anyway, it looks pretty now, but I'm not looking forward to the mud it will provide come spring.

While we were in Fairbanks shopping we also made contact with a Craig's List poster and bought ourselves some snow shoes! Oh boy. Yippee. Can you sense the excitement? Ha! Actually I was pretty excited about them, and we had a little bit of fun yesterday, but the snow is light and powdery and I think perhaps too powdery for the shoes. All in all, it was a great mini workout, and we'll be making some adjustments per a friends suggestion, and then trying them out again.

Those are my skis, boots and hat. Where do you think I am? Ha! You'll just have to tell me! lol.
Yesterday we enjoyed a nice, lazy Sunday afternoon. Later in the afternoon we picked up and went to Brent's co-workers home out on Clearwater Lake. This is the view from his patio, and it is breathtaking! Absolutely photo-worthy. I could have stood out there and just gazed upon the frozen water all day long, but the wind was up and it was COLD darn it! Honestly though, if the house was for sale, I would probably buy it just for the view. Gorgeous.
Other than that, we just tried to enjoy the weekend. Brent is working the next two weeks as they are short due to staffing a base in the Aleutian Islands. Since we had no real plans it worked out just fine.
I've been receiving some nice emails and comments from friends and family in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Georgia! Hi Diane, Korri Belle, and Annie! Hope you're all enjoying the read! Have a happy day!
Beatiful pictures, as always! It sounds like you had a nice weekend. Is that a tree on the left side in the bottom picture? It is a very wiggly looking tree ! :)
Oops..I meant beautiful. I can't type these days ;)
Hi Chantelle! Yes, that is the top of an evergreen. They're not quite so fat here, taller and thinner. :) Happy Day!
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