**Disclaimer: This is not meant to be disrespectful anyone's beliefs or opinions. It is merely for the harassment and torture of my father. If you know him, you understand.We've all seen those ads with Khloe Kardashian showing off her greatest assets to protest fur and the useless killing of animals.
My father, the man that God put on this planet simply to torment and torture me, and who is hopelessly technologically deficient, wrote me an email to tell me that he thinks that I am sounding more like the president of P.E.T.A. than the gun toting conservative that I am. If he was able to, he could post it in the comment section for all to read, but he's getting older so you'll have to forgive him.
If he would actually travel here to visit he would be able to read the bumpers of oh, about every other vehicle here in Alaska, that boasts that P.E.T.A. in fact stands for the People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. That being said, anyone that knows us, knows that we are more alike than not, and well, sometimes that leads to some serious ribbing.
Apparently he has been "working" and hasn't had time for daily phone calls to give me all kinds of useless "advice". He did, however, include in his email that he prefers a method of protection that offers 100% accuracy. Well, I prefer not to go around shooting animals that don't need to die. Plain and simple. Dad, if you would like to come and hike every trail with me, and shoot all the animals that "threaten" us, please feel free. :) Until then, I will use my bear spray.
So, Brent was approached at work by someone who reads our blog. Our blog. Who am I kidding? My blog. Seriously, he often has input, but since my skills are superior, I generally do the typing. Anyway, it's nerve wrecking to know that "locals" are reading my blog. My family and friends know what a smart a** (rhymes with bass) I am, but sometimes I fear that might get lost on the general public. Also, I'm opinionated, and I don't want to tick anyone off. I might. And I'll deal with that. But no more pictures of our house, just in case! Just kidding. I have a loaded gun sitting by the front door. Ha.
Today I got stuck in the house. Again. It's so frustrating. This house freezes and heaves more than any house I've ever known. It wasn't that cold. 23 degrees at top speed today. But the house shifted and I was locked in. I called the neighbor, but she was in Fairbanks, he was in Tok, and since Ches had to pee, I had to get out. So I busted out the trusty screw driver for the 986th time and finally managed to break the seal and bust out.
Mary Lou stopped by with fresh baked bread this morning. Ooh, what a treat. We were over there yesterday to help her assemble a CD player and she rewarded Brent (us) with fresh baked bread. Yummy! But now I feel like a slacker, and I guess I need to be baking bread with some of my spare time.
In an effort to beat the slacker blues, actually, I wasn't blue at all, but anyway. I whipped up some calzones, and made a lovely roasted garlic vinegrette for our salads. Oh, delovely and delightful. When we were in Fairbanks this weekend we picked up lots of fresh garlic and some lovely heads of romaine lettuce. I'll be eating like a very healthy Alaskan rabbit all week.
My little squirrel friend is back. Buddie is actually the reason I discovered I was locked in today. Anyway, she was frantically trying to access the eaves again, and I'm afraid that Brent is now on the hunt. He's made me take a vow that if I see her I will shoot. Hmmm. I had my fingers crossed the whole time. He can take care of that. It's his husbandly duty.
Okay, enough babbling for today. Hopefully I'll have something interesting to take pictures of tomorrow. We'll see. Hope you have a great day!